Thank you for visiting the site, and I would love you to have a good look around.
The premise is simple, starting with a monthly income of around £650, I am going to leverage that into a set an forget income of at least the living wage for a 16 hour workweek.
The time frame to achieve this income is by the summer of 2038 when I will reach State Retirement Age. This leaves me just over 14 years to achieve this, and I am going to publish my activities starting from the 1st of March 2024.
One hack I am going to use is an accelerated F.I.R.E. investment strategy which at first glance seems crazy, but has the potential to supercharge returns without breaking the bank and giving you heebee geebees.
The aim of this site and the main driving force is to show that just about anyone will be able to follow my steps and make an independent income that leaves you free of the clutches of the welfare state.
So feel free to follow along with this journey and I shall keep you informed every step of the way.